Topper's World of Big and Tall Fashion
Meet a legend: E.J. Topper.
Seldom seen, highly influential behind the scenes, Topper (he prefers to dispense with the initials) knows more than any man alive about the secrets of the ultimate Big and Tall Fit. Topper is a living icon of insight into what it takes to look great in the very best of big and tall clothing. He racked up a cool million in air miles last year alone, searching the globe for the very finest in fabrics and styles.
His determination is legendary. His eye for quality is unrivalled. From Peru to Vietnam, from Italy and Spain to India and China, Topper will not rest his immaculately suited frame in a First Class cabin until he knows he’s bagged the best and made sure it really fits. If Topper doesn’t like its cut, it doesn’t make the cut. There can be no compromises in the search for true big and tall style. You can take that from Topper.
We've gathered his insights into the following handy field guides that will help you navigate finding and maintaining your own unique style

How It Should Fit
Topper tells you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about what it takes to achieve a great fit in big and tall clothing (but may have been just too busy to ask).
How To Choose The Right Colors
There are some things you just don’t do. Two twists of lemon peel in a dry Martini? Tangerine socks with lime green pants? Don’t make Topper blush.
How To Choose Fabrics
Topper understands the right choice of fabric can lift to a look, transforming the clothes you wear into an outfit to impress. Trust Topper.